We Remember Joe Bell

by J.T. Service, 408k Race Founder, @soulfocussports
Last night we learned of Joe Bell’s passing. Mr. Bell made an impression on us all last year. Our thoughts and well wishes are with Mr. Bell, his family, and friends. We are forever grateful and thankful. In light of this, we’re publishing a blog post from J.T. Service written after last year’s San Jose 408k where Mr. Bell forever made his mark on the event and the people who were there.

2015 Off to A Running Start

by Bertrand Newson, TAJI 100 Co-chairman
The Run Local Social Club held its first meetup with a free run in San Francisco. Team Run The Bay Ambassador Betrand Newson was there.

Friday’s Top Three Reads

by Aaron M. Jacobsen
A quick rundown of news and events from RepresentRunning.com’s resident web editor and running coach.

Wednesday’s Top Three Stories

by Aaron M. Jacobsen
A quick rundown of news and events from RepresentRunning.com’s resident web editor and running coach.