An Open Letter to Running

by J.T. Service, @soulfocussports What does running mean to you? On National Running Day, J.T. Service takes a look back at his ever changing relationship with the sport.
Sugar High at Bay to Breakers

by Jason, @RunningMileCom
Take a look back at Bay to Breakers with one of Represent Running’s ambassadors.
Seeing an Old Friend on Race Day

by Andrew Pridgen, @DPBsports, republished from Death of the Press Box
Somewhere along the way I’d lost the narrative of the Across the Bay 12k. Maybe I found it again Sunday.
When a Race Delivers the Unexpected

by Christina Dunn,
2015 Off to A Running Start

by Bertrand Newson, TAJI 100 Co-chairman
The Run Local Social Club held its first meetup with a free run in San Francisco. Team Run The Bay Ambassador Betrand Newson was there.
Finding Motivation in a Digital World

by Brian Kelley,
New Run Local Social Club brings together digital training buddies to run this Saturday morning in San Francisco. The run is free and open to all.
Autistic Teen Josh Manning Set For Marathon Debut in Honolulu

By Chris Lotsbom, @ChrisLotsbom
(c) 2014 Race Results Weekly, all rights reserved, used with permission
My Wife the Fast Runner

by Jake D. Parent, @jakedparent
Novelist, and San Jose native, Jake D. Parent gives us a look at running, marriage, and being a man when your wife is faster than you, by a lot.
Welcome to the New

by J.T. Service,
The founder of the Represent Running Series digs into running, the media, and what we’re trying to bring to the running world with our new website.
Why It’s Time to Run the Bay

Three races. One Bay Area. One Team Run the Bay. Even if I didn’t write that personally, I’d probably still think that’s not a half bad line. But it’s more than just a cool sounding catch phrase to us at Represent Running. It tells you one small piece of our story and where we’re going. […]